Tips to becoming an involved dad

Becoming a dad is without a doubt one of the scariest transitions you’ll ever go through, and your fears are not uncommon. Your life is going to change drastically once that little bundle of joy enters your life. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We’re right here with you to guide you through this new journey.

Adjusting to a family dynamic

You and your co-parent now need to adapt to a family dynamic, adding a new person into the mix, so take the time to figure out your roles in this relationship, communicate properly and find a balance with each other and the new addition to your family.

Your priorities are shifting and right now there’s a new helpless human who needs you to survive which means that your focus is most likely to shift as well.

Remember that the mother of your child is recovering from the fatigue of pregnancy and giving birth, and she’s been bearing the weight of work (no pun intended) for the past 10 months. Now it’s your turn to take on more responsibilities like day-to-day tasks and making sure you’re a fully involved father.

After your baby’s birth

Babies come out of the womb and are immediately placed on their mother’s chest for what we call “skin to skin” contact which strengthens the bond between them (it’s also been proven to keep a baby’s vitals more stable).

You’ll get your chance for skin to skin too, and make sure you take it. You’ll be flooded with emotions when your baby is born, and this intimate moment will help you both bond and create a sense of familiarity that is necessary for both father and child.

The first months

Ahh, you’ve probably already been warned about this but get ready to be exhausted. Elated, but exhausted. They say the first few months are hardest on the sleep schedule with constant feedings and diaper changes and crying. That’s completely normal. 

However, with lack of sleep comes a risk of depression. Both maternal and paternal postpartum depression are common, so make sure to reach other for help if you’re experiencing those emotions. Healthcare providers and support groups are always here to help because you’re not alone in it. Remember, a healthy baby needs healthy parents.

Your healthy baby needs playtime and fun time, even as new-borns. Sneak in as much bonding time as you can and play games with them too. While they may not understand “games”, the time they spend having fun and feeling happy with you is very important for a child’s development physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Fatherhood means constant evolution and growth for both you and your baby, so make the most of every stage in your baby’s life. Discover the world with them and see the world through their eyes for a new perspective.

Take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby Baba!